Georgetown Library Friends

Your Library Needs You! Is more than just a catchy phrase, it is a call to arms.  Patron usage of libraries is down nationally due to the pandemic.  But now it is time to turn the tide. 

Please attend the next meeting of the Friends of your local library and discover how you can help.  Have questions, please click here to share your thoughts and comments.  And if you like what you have heard, please consider joining !  Thank you.

The Georgetown Library Friends are a volunteer non-profit dedicated to enhancing our neighborhood library.

Who we are

Our all-volunteer group supports the Georgetown Neighborhood Library by:

  • Advocating for the library
  • Raising funds to support library programs
  • Strengthening its community ties

What we do

  • Sponsor special occasions and literary events
  • Support children's crafts and reading programs
  • Encourage teen participation
  • Organize book sales with donated books
  • Volunteer in the library
  • Purchase supplies for library programs

Join the Georgetown Friends

Member benefits include first pick of donated books, book donation pickups, newsletters,  and special event invitations. 

Also know that you are supporting a great library with a dedicated staff.  And know that you are cultivating the spread of knowledge, education, and the joy of reading in these challenging times. 

Ready to join? Then complete the form below. 

The Georgetown Friends also accept membership by cash or check made payable and mailed to:

The Georgetown Library Friends
3260 R St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20007


Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level
Your annual membership dues ensure that the Georgetown Library Friends can continue to support the library with programs and community outreach.

The Georgetown Library Friends also accept donations in the amounts of $10, $25, $50, $100 or other. 

Click here to Donate!

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Please click here to see the latest Georgetown Library events and  programs.

The Federation of Friends of the D.C. Public Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
901 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001