Shepherd Park Library Friends

Your Library Needs You! Is more than just a catchy phrase, it is a call to arms.  Patron usage of libraries is down nationally due to the pandemic.  But now it is time to turn the tide. 

Please attend the next meeting of the Friends of your local library and discover how you can help.  Have questions, please click here to share your thoughts and comments.  And if you like what you have heard, please consider joining by completing the membership fields below.  Thank you.

What We Do
  • Operate the Used Book Room
  • Sponsor authors speaker series
  • Support summer reading program
  • Participate in Georgia Avenue Beautification Days
  • And with your help, we can do even more!

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Please click here to see the latest Shepherd Park Library events and programs.

To Join!

Contact the Friends of the Juanita E. Thornton-Shepherd Park Library

7420 Georgia Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20012 



More than 20 years ago, a Wendy’s fast-food restaurant was slated to be built on the site where the Shepherd Park Library now stands. Shepherd Park resident Juanita E. Thornton led a “Books Not Burgers” campaign and convinced the DC government to build a library there instead. The Shepherd Park Library opened on July 29, 1990 and the Friends group was organized later that year. After Juanita’s death, in 1992 the library was named in her honor. A portrait of Ms. Thornton graces the main room of the library today. Neighbors can help promote the values she held dear by joining the Friends of the Juanita E. Thornton- Shepherd Park Library.

The Federation of Friends of the D.C. Public Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
901 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001